Led Street Light & Led Flood light Manufacturer in China

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Top 5 Factors to Consider When Buying LED Flood Lights

When choosing outdoor lighting, led flood lights are an excellent economical and eco-friendly choice. However, selecting the best model requires weighing key attributes. This expanded guide covers the top five factors in more detail with real-life examples. As the top 10 Led flood light manufacturer in China, DL Industry Group give following points when your buy led flood light

  • Lumens and Light Output

Lumens indicate brightness. For reference, 2,000 lumens lights a small backyard, while 10,000+ lumens illuminates sports fields. It's critical to match lumens to your space's size.

John needed lights for his large driveway. The 4,000 lumen fixture was too dim, leaving dark areas. Upgrading to an 8,000 lumen model provided superior bright coverage across the entire driveway without wasting energy on excess lumens.

On the other hand, Jane only needed lights along her path. A 2,000 lumen fixture did the job without going overboard and costing more to operate.

Always verify specifications list total initial lumens rather than bulbs' lumens, which degrade over time. High lumen fixtures consume more power, so balance needs with efficiency.

  • Beam Angle and Spread

Mary chose 60-degree beam angle lights for her backyard, thinking broader coverage was better. However, light splashed wastefully into neighbor's yards. Narrowing to 30-degrees focused illumination precisely where needed while using less power.

Jake faced the opposite issue. His wide warehouse required wide-angle floodlights, but 120-degree beams lacked intensity. Switching to specialized 100-degree spread lenses doubled light levels without adding fixtures.

Proper angle matching aims light efficiently without dark spots or spill. Try adjustable angles for versatility.

  • Color Temperature

Mike's 3000K floodlights created cozy ambiance in his yard. However, color rendition made details indistinct at his storefront. Switching to 5000K revealed signs, plant labels popped more.

Lisa chose 4000K for her patio's warmth but switched one to cooler 6000K to examine plants closely at night without changing all fixtures.

Compatibility with task/aesthetic needs is key. Multiple temperatures provide flexibility.

  • Housing and Mounting

Thomas installed standard plastic housings outside his garage. Two years later, fading and cracks appeared from UV exposure. Upgrading to powder-coated die-cast aluminum housings withstood weatherizing.

Adam faced mounting challenges since his rentals lacked existing fixtures. Bracket-mounted lightheads adhered easily to wooden posts without wiring or modification.

Scott's dock lights endured corrosion in saltwater. Only stainless and epoxy-filled floodlights proven for marine use survived ongoing washdowns unscathed.

Durability varies. Choose optics and casings suiting conditions to maximize lifespan.

  • Energy Efficiency

Susan replaced her parking lot HIDs with 80-watt LED floods saving over $1,000 annually in bills and maintenance. Fixtures cost double but paid for themselves in two years through electricity savings alone.

Martin's warehouse still used 400-watt metal halide lights. Upgrading to 150-watt equivalent LED panels cut costs 60% while increasing output. Speedy ROI through dramatically lowered usage convinced leadership to retrofit the entire facility.

Efficiency improves over time as new technologies emerge. Revisiting needs yearly identifies optimization through upgrades or relamping with highest performing options.

Careful factor weighing guides selecting optimally bright, focused, durable and frugal LED floodlights. Real examples demonstrate importance of these considerations for unique applications and environments. Proper selection maximizes value from efficient outdoor illumination.



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